Witches and warlocks

(The sister document (Magic, society, beliefs, etc) is unfinished) 

Witches are mortals, with open souls and minds. Angels filled their souls with magic. They have three varieties of magic: fundamental magic, white magic (Given by angels: life and pureness), and dark magic (Given by demons: death and evil). They have covens, powerful families, and a governing council (England’s witches' council). Animal familiars bond to apprentices to help with work. Most witches live in the country of England. They blend into human society well. These beings are semi-immortal, meaning they can stop aging at a certain point because of the magic flowing through them. They also have magic-related professions, but any profession is open.

 White witches are those who are given the use of holy magic. Most are healers/doctors.  


Warlocks are evil witches who have broken (council) law, oaths, and/or deceived. This is the term for traitors whom are witches. A warlock can either possess dark magic or not. It is common for the traitor to have made a deal with demons and possess their magic. These are physical warlocks. 

Mental: It can also be a mental name for a witch who had broken laws, their oath, and/or had deceived, but they don't hold any dark magic. Physically, they are still a witch.